Fallout shelter size of training rooms
Fallout shelter size of training rooms

Much like yourself, I too try to avoid any kind of inbreeding by separating them with various tricks. Therefore in retrospect, there's no actual inbreeding considered in the game, however we ourselves will still know. You're actually right on that one, the game doesn't have a genepool and therefore do not detect any particular relation between dwellers other than romance.

fallout shelter size of training rooms

I also give them "second names" which give their strongest stat and/or the room they mentioned they love working in. They recognise their children and parents but other than that? Doubtful. It could be possible to breed someone and their grandchild within the game resource. I don't really think the game keeps track of genealogy properly. Originally posted by The Queen Salis:You can't really inbreed them, because they wink at you saying "It's nice hanging out with FAMILY" To avoid this I decided to make the child take the last name of the parent of the different gender. They will get XP & level, if making something. Theme, outfit and weapon making rooms, unless making something, dwellers are left idle if placed here. You can add guards to the vault entrance, but if you have it placed next to a workroom, you can usually run two in there before anyone get's through the vault door.īarbershop Only allows a dweller here if they are getting a makeover or during an event. Make a list of the room types and what room the dwellers prefer to keep track. The happier the vault, the greater the production bonus. Watch for the objectives for assigning dwellers to the right rooms. The storage room, no apparent bonus for placing dwellers here, usually left empty. (make a list of dwellers and their children, so later you don't interbreed your dwellers.) Otherwise, you only place dwellers in the living quarters for dancing and coutous, resulting in new dwellers. They won't level while training, but do gain stat increases upto 10. You shouldn't need large training rooms, but make sure the dwellers there have some form of gear in case of an event. (including the overseers office.) That way you can send ppl quickly to those adjacent rooms in case of an event. Structure the vault with workrooms in the center and have the storage, living quarters and training rooms linked to them on either side. Dwellers gain XP from workrooms and will level. The overseer's office is yours, only during an event can you send ppl into that room (fire, attack, ect)

Fallout shelter size of training rooms