Company of heroes 1 city map
Company of heroes 1 city map

  • This resource affects a company’s movement range, as well as its strength when autoresolving.
  • Supply – Denoted by a box with a check mark, supplies represent the overall combat capabilities of a unit.
  • You can learn more in our Partisan Hubs/Actions guide.

    company of heroes 1 city map

    Partisan Hubs – Symbolized by a dagger, Partisan Hubs let you use the sabotaging skills of the Italian Resistance.We discuss air power and air support further down below. Airfields – Allows you to send out planes to serve different roles on the overworld map.Hospitals – Can heal companies to full.Fuel Depots – Adds fuel resources used to produce companies, ships, and aircraft armor-type companies (i.e., tanks) require more fuel than infantry-type companies.Munitions Depots – Adds munitions resources used by artillery, aircraft, and targeted abilities (i.e, bombardment).Ports – Allows you to purchase additional companies and ships increases population cap so you can field more units adds manpower resources.But, before we get to the action, let’s discuss the different types of areas that you can capture, as well as related mechanics: The only time a real-time strategy (RTS) battle occurs is when your company meets an opposing force on the overworld map. Rather, you’ll be given turns to move your forces to assault locations or hostiles.

    company of heroes 1 city map

    It’s not a straightforward romp where you go from one mission to the next. The Company of Heroes 3 Italy Dynamic Campaign Map has many similarities to grand strategy or turn-based strategy titles (i.e., the Total War series).

    company of heroes 1 city map

    Company of Heroes 3 Italy Dynamic Campaign Map guide

    Company of heroes 1 city map