Projects ideas with android studio ide
Projects ideas with android studio ide

projects ideas with android studio ide projects ideas with android studio ide

We’ve written this article to assist you in knowing what the must-have skills are for every Android developer. Please spare a thought for businesses and app developers looking to get their foot in the door of this lucrative market and find themselves wondering what their next move should be. Indeed the sky’s the limit for how Android can help you reach out and grab customers, but it also means that there is much competition. This dominance has led to many opportunities for businesses and marketers alike. Android’s Mobile Operating System Market Share as of December 2021 was 82.07% in Asia 40.54% in the US, 45.04% in the United Kingdom, and 41.67% in Australia.As of July 2021, Android OS accounts for 72.12% of the global Mobile Operating System Market Share ( Stat Counter ).In context, that is greater than the combined share of both iOS and Windows devices. Android dominates the global market, with an 87% market share ( Statista ).It is a dominant force in a market that is only growing. The jury is in regarding the Android OS (Operating System).

Projects ideas with android studio ide